
Pulak Debasish Prusty

Senior App Developer
  • +91-8984000155
  • Odisha, India

About Me

I'm a passionate app developer having 5 years of professional experience. I've experience developing apps natively as well as with React Native. I love solving challenging problems and take full ownership of difficult tasks. I have a knack for good design and actively participate with design and product teams to bring out the best version of my work.

I'm proficient with the following in Android: MVVM/MVI, DI (Dagger and Hilt), Jetpack Compose and other Jetpack libraries, Kotlin Flow and Coroutines, RxJava, React Native.

Work Experience

Oct 2021 - Present

Software Development Engineer - 2

  • Developed core gifting experience for the Live vertical in the Moj App
  • Worked on HLS streaming support similar to the likes of Twitch, Youtube Live
  • Learnt and used Jetpack Compose to achieve optimal UI performace in livestreams
  • Used dagger and hilt to manage dependencies in the multi modular architecture of the Live modules. Implemented SOLID principles to make the code clean and re-useable
Sept 2020 - Oct 2021

Software Development Engineer

  • Used react native extensively for features improving learner's experience in the app
  • Played a vital role in developing the revamped version of the learner app which was completely re-written in native
  • Used clean architecture to develop new features in the app for paid learners
Dec 2018 - Sept 2020

Software Development Engineer

  • Worked on revamping and adding new features to Product Listing and Detail Pages
  • Rewrote the Cart screen for better experience. Used RxJava and kotlin to write efficient and reactive code to achieve the task
  • Implemented Order Tracking feature and started exploring React Native to use for subscription management of customers
Sept 2018 - Dec 2018

Software Development Engineer

  • Rewrote their music service for the radio service in their consumer app
  • Made various optimisations for a user post and posts on temple pages
Jun 2018 - Aug 2018

Software Deveopment Engineer - Intern

  • Developed 3 games that included complex animations and game logic. These games are meant for learning of the users and included things that were backend driven
  • Understood and implemented multiple animation APIs to be able to develop the games completely natively without any physics engine

Tech Stack

  • Android
  • React Native
  • Kotlin
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Typescript

Soft Skills

  • Communication
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership
  • Attention to detail


Flair Music Player

Offline music player android app with a simple and clean material design.

Personal Notes

A note taking app where you can save a simple note, list and even image. You can access delete notes as well and save the notes synced to the cloud storage either in google drive or dropbox.


  • B.Tech in Computer Science
    Odisha University of Technology and Research(Formerly CET)
    2014 - 2018
    CGPA - 7.9
  • Intermediate(12th)
    Kendriya Vidyalaya, Puri
    2012 - 2014
    Percentage - 92.8%


  • English
  • Hindi
  • Odia